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Courses start on:

11 August 2024

Fira, Greece

17 November 2024

Zagreb, Croatia

19 January 2025

Zagreb, Croatia

9 February 2025

Zagreb, Croatia

9 March 2025

Zagreb, Croatia

11 May 2025

Zagreb, Croatia

13 July 2025

Pula, Croatia

17 August 2025

Fira, Greece

9 November 2025

Zagreb, Croatia

Additional dates and tailor made courses are possible on request




This course is aimed at teachers and school staff from primary to adult level as well as educational advisors and staff of non-government organizations, government and policy makers. The traditional view of schools as places where the transfer or knowledge occurs is changing and their main role in today’s world is not to teach facts but to prepare the students for real life challenges. As Albert Einstein said Education is not the learning of facts, but training of the mind to think. Therefore, this shift requires us to redefine the role of teachers within them and the way learning takes place. The aim of this course is to aid educators to move their classrooms to a more 21st century skill focused environment. Participants will explore various practical ideas connected to learning skills, 4C & Soft skills and how to apply Montessori Approach in education of the future. Learning will occur through active participation and hands-on activities suitable and applicable in different subjects and at various levels. If you are an educator looking for new strategies to empower your students for the real world challenges, this course is for You!



Methodology is based on active participation, hands-on activities and experiential learning suitable and applicable in different subjects and at various levels. Participants will acquire practical knowledge and develop their own skills through workshops, model lessons, project based learning and outdoor activities, role play and games.



  • Gaining a clear understanding of the learning process and learning techniques and how to implement them into their teaching

  • Adopting various reading, memory and motivational techniques

  • Learning and experiencing first hand practical 4c techniques and activities

  • Learning about the three period lesson (naming - recognizing - remembering)

  • Learning about the theory behind the Montessori approach and gaining certain methods on montessori way of teaching and preparing the students for success

  • Experiencing different circle time activities that will help them gain soft skills

  • Understanding the basics of effective problem-solving, mediation and conflict management

  • Incorporating ideas, techniques, and cooperative tasks in their own lesson plans

  • Improving the use of English (official language of the course).

  • Promoting intercultural awareness.

  • Sharing experiences of educational methodologies as well as diverse coaching strategies in education in different countries in order to help each of us to be more effective in our work.

  • Developing a virtual collaboration platform for preparation, dissemination and networking in order to develop future partnerships and projects.

  • Strengthening the European collaboration among educators.

  • Providing insights into different education systems.




After registration participants will receive pre-course questionnaire which will be used by the trainer to learn about participants’ teaching backgrounds and to assess their exact needs. Before the beginning of the course a basic reading list will be suggested to participants to prepare for the training. Participants will also be asked to prepare a presentation about themselves, their professional context and their culture which will be presented during the course. Participants will receive information about the country they are going to visit in order to prepare them for their cultural experience.

Follow up


After the course participants will be asked to share what they have learned with the rest of the staff in their schools. Further books and articles to deepen the topic and contacts with some other practitioners all over Europe and in the world will be suggested by the trainer. The methods shared and explored and the bibliography given will allow the participants to complete and improve their educational path.




Each participant will get a course attendance certificate and the Europass Mobility Document.



We also provide all the support with paperwork you might need for your Erasmus+ project documentation such as mobility agreement and registration letter.

Draft Programme

7 day programme (35 hours) 560 €

   Day 1

Welcome day

4Cs of the 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration

   Day 2

Montessori Method in Teaching: Future in Learning

Cultural evening

   Day 3

Learning Skills: Powerful Mental Tools

   Day 4

Teambuilding and networking activities with a cultural trip

  Day 5

Work Hard on your Students’ Soft Skills (problem solving, mediation and conflict management)

Individual support

   Day 6

Integration Workshops: Take your Lessons to the Next Level

   Day 7

Presentation of outcomes, discussion, and evaluation

Presentation of SEG and eTwinning platforms and online tools for future collaboration

Closing session

Quick links

"Have courage to be happy."

Augusto Boal



Ulica Jurja Križanića 11 - 10000 Zagreb - Hrvatska

Organisation ID: E10010133

© 2024 by Pričalica, All rights reserved.

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