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Passion for theatre and drama, passion for learning and teaching, passion for change and curiosity are what runs our projects.

Coaching and guidance of women, victims of domestic violence

Svatko od nas pamti vlastita iskustva u obliku priča koje sami sebi o njima govorimo. To uvelike utječe na zadovoljstvo kvalitetom života i odnose koje imamo sa sobom i drugima...


Projekt Videotality temelji se na primjeni suvremene tehnologije za produkciju i uređivanje video uradaka. Video je danas jedan od najpopularnijih i najrasprostranjenijih medija, a moguće ga je proizvesti koristeći samo pametni telefon. Korištenjem društvenih mreža moguće je podijeliti video sa velikim brojem primatelja nevjerojatnom brzinom.

This multilateral strategic partnership project is an attempt of revendication of the theatre pedagogy to intoroduce innovateive concepts of theatre for children. It involves joint staff training events and exchanges of groups of pupils gathering from six European countries around 6 theatrical...

The project is aimed at adults interested in developing or improving their foreign language competences through...

Project is concived and realised as a series of theatre workshops based in methodology of Augusto Boal, resulting in public performacnes dealing with the oppinion of public about consumer society in which the audience didn't know they were taking part in a staged play.

The project was conceived as a series of workshops in the partner schools which resulted in performance of the forum theatre play. The workshops were based on the principles...

Festival of Drama and Theatre Education is educational in character, but also provides opportunities for affirmation of amateur drama groups. It consists of workshops, presentations, cultural and artistic programmes and the round table.

The starting point of the project’s strategy is to eliminate the impact of risk factors through building a support system that includes encouraging and strengthening protective factors. The project is based on the concept of a support system of resistance...

The project was diesigned with the primary aim of encouraging children, youuth and adults to create radio, television and film programme while collaborating in heterogenus groups, with socially woulnerable in particular focus.

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