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COVID-19 update

The lock-down created by COVID-19 pandemic has caused many of our courses to be suspended this spring and might have an impact on courses in future. We are constantly monitoring the situation and our priority is to ensure the safety of our participants and staff so we will only start organizing courses again when and where it will be safe to do so.

Considering that the cancellation of the courses is a result of extraordinary circumstances which were beyond our control and that we already incurred expenses for organizing the courses, we are not able to make any refunds. However, we will try to minimize the impact of COVID-19 crisis through the courses that will follow and offer places to participants who wish to take part at another course session or re-scheduling the course sessions when possible.

In case your course has been cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic, just email us with the request to enrol to another course session at and we will do it right away for free. For the moment there is a time-out regarding confirmation of courses since we are not sure when it will be possible to travel and organize events safely, but you can register now and we will keep you updated. We hope the good news will come up soon.

It might be useful to know that the European Commission has decided to support the beneficiaries of Erasmus+ programme who have been impacted by COVID-19 by applying „force majeure“ clauses which imply that you will not have to return any funds to the National Agency that you incurred as losses caused by COVID-19. The National Agencies also decided to support beneficiaries with providing opportunities to extend the final duration of the projects for up to 12 months so those who still wish so could do the mobilities later.

For any future reservations we would kindly ask our participants for patience since it will not be so easy to confirm the course sessions quickly as we might need to wait longer to determine when and where we can organize events. We also advise all our participants to make flexible travel arrangements since the situation is still quite unpredictable.

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