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How to register your organization in URF in order to apply for Erasmus+ grant?


You are interested to take part in one or more of our courses. Perhaps you already know that in the new programme of EU called Erasmus+ organizations can apply for funding to send their staff to take part in structured courses abroad. In this article you will find a step by step guide to register your organization in order to prepare for your Erasmus+ application.


Directions for You and  Your school management

You should register Your organization on URF. To do that you should first create an ECAS account. You can do that Yourself.


1. Directions for creating an ECAS account

Before You ask me „Why I am doing this?“ let me explain: You have to register to URF in order to get any funding from EU ever. Even if You do not choose to take part in this course, registration will not be a waste of time because You will inevitably need it at some point. To make it less time consuming for You, I’ve made a short video tutorial:

(*It was a mistake to tell You in the video to enter Your organization information – it should be YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION – I added the information on behalf of the president of my organization) It is a 5 minute procedure. Open this link and enter Your personal information.


You will receive a message on Your email with a link to authenticate Your request. You will have 90 minutes to register. Create Your personal password click „SUBMIT“ and You are ready. Here is the manual just in case (*Your computer security system might warn You about the link above, just ignore it – it is a link copied from Croatian National Agency with pdf of User Manual)


2. Direction for school (organization) registration in URF:

Than You will be able and should register in URF. You will need information (such as tax number, registration number, date of founding, etc.) about Your organization (school) so I suggest You use the help of Your secretary, accountant or principal. You can see the procedure in this video tutorial.

Open this link and add your organization (school) information:


In case You are not sure what numbers mean (which was the case with me) You should call your National Agency to clarify any doubts. You can find contact information on the list of National Agencies on this link.


Here is the manual just in case (*Your computer security system might warn You about the link above, just ignore it – it is a link copied from Croatian National Agency with pdf of User Manual)

Legal entity and financial identification forms:

As You might have noticed there are two more documents You are obliged to attach in Your organization’s registration process. Once You have all the information it will take 10 minutes to fill in the documents and submit them.   Here is the video to make it easier for You!

They are:


A. Legal entity form; steps:


1. Download it from this link (ask Your mannagement or Your National Agency to explain if You are a private company or a public body)


2. Fill it in with the information (You can find all the information in the legal document certifying the registration of Your organization as a public body (Your management has it certainly at all times).


3. Print it.


4. Ask the legal representative of Your organization (School) to sign and stamp it.


5. Scan it in PDF format, name it LEGAL ENTITY FORM and save on Your computer.


6. Scan the legal document certifying the registration of Your organization in PDF


7. Save it to Your computer, and name it REGISTRATION DOCUMENT.


B. Financial identification form; steps:


1.Download it from this link


2. Fill it in with all the information


3. Print it.


4. Ask the legal representative of Your organization (School) to sign and stamp it.


5.a) Get the VAT extract from Your bank (You can save to Your computer a printout version of a recent online banking extract)




5.b) take the form to be signed and stamped by the legal representative of the bank


6. Scan one or in case 5.a) both documents in PDF format, name the first one FINANCIAL IDENTIFICATION FORM and the second one VAT EXRTACT save them on Your computer.


Finally upload all the documents in PDF format on the participant portal.

Here is the video to help You get the idea of what it looks like.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions! We will be happy to help you.

Good luck!
Deadline for application: 01.02.2018.



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Organisation ID: E10010133

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